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60-Min Magic

12 retouched images Private link for image selection

  • 1 h
  • 580 Swiss francs

Service Description

This package is ideal if you'd like to have different outcomes. This 1 hour session enables us to create different styles by changing outfits and/or visual styles. If we're shooting in studio, we can change the background from white/grey/black/textures/any color, as well as the lighting from soft/hard/colored/etc! If we're shooting on location we can explore different sceneries, playing around with light/colors/textures/etc., explore the surroundings and let ourselves be spontaneous! This 1 hour session also gives us enough time to get to know one another, make sure you're comfortable and having a stress-free time. This is crucial as it will make a BIG difference in the outcome. Nice time = nice photos! Check my availabilities to request a booking, or contact me for any questions!

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